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I'm a 19 year old girl who loves purple, anything pretty, and anything, well, pleasurable :) I hope you enjoy your stay! Companies, if you need verification that I'm a real blogger, check the link at the top :)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Giftcard = Vaginal Exercisers!

Hey! I'm still here. My mentor has been quite busy so my reviews are on hold, but I'm still around :) It's okay because I've been going through lots of drama with my anxiety, weening off one medicine, and getting on another. Day by day I get a little better, symptom wise, and I do think this new medicine is starting to work a little! Anyway!

I went onto EdenFantasys and seen I had a message. Eden actually sent me a $25 gift card for the big mix-up last month when something happened and they tried blaming us students and I kindly told them that I knew what I was doing and that they messed up. However, they fixed the problem and I got to order a new toy, which was a very nice act!

So, low and behold, I ordered me a pair of Crystal Balls :) Yum, haha.

I can't wait to try them out! What's your experience which vaginal exercisers?

1 comment:

  1. oooo they are so pretty!
    I've never used vaginal exercisers before. I have the SinFive Emigi coming in the mail from EF now.
